Week3 May 2015
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10 May

Moduli spaces of connections and Higgs bundles and geometry of spectral curves (I)>Moduli spaces of connections and Higgs bundles and geometry of spectral curves (I)
Flat structure on the space of isomonodromic deformations (I)>Flat structure on the space of isomonodromic deformations (I)
The differential and difference Painlev'e equations and connection problems (I)>The differential and difference Painlev'e equations and connection problems (I)
Painleve III, old and new>Painleve III, old and new
TIMS-OCAMI-WASEDA International workshop on Painleve equations and related topics>TIMS-OCAMI-WASEDA International workshop on Painleve equations and related topics
11 May

Mean field equation, Isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI equation (I)>Mean field equation, Isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI equation (I)
Moduli spaces of connections and Higgs bundles and geometry of spectral curves (II)>Moduli spaces of connections and Higgs bundles and geometry of spectral curves (II)
Irregular conformal blocks  and Painleve functions (I)>Irregular conformal blocks and Painleve functions (I)
Painleve equations and weight systems>Painleve equations and weight systems
12 May

Mean field equation, Isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI equation (II)>Mean field equation, Isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI equation (II)
Irregular conformal blocks  and Painleve functions (II)>Irregular conformal blocks and Painleve functions (II)
Flat structure on the space of isomonodromic deformations (II)>Flat structure on the space of isomonodromic deformations (II)
A spectral theory of linear operators on a Gelfand triplet and its application to dynamics of coupled oscillators>A spectral theory of linear operators on a Gelfand triplet and its application to dynamics of coupled oscillators
13 May

Slip flow and constant flux heat transfer in microchannels>Slip flow and constant flux heat transfer in microchannels
The differential and difference Painlev'e equations and connection problems (II)>The differential and difference Painlev'e equations and connection problems (II)
14 May

15 May

Some 3-variable Diophantine Equations and Arithmetic Dynamics>Some 3-variable Diophantine Equations and Arithmetic Dynamics
Comparison theorems and applications (I) >Comparison theorems and applications (I)
Comparison theorems and applications (II) >Comparison theorems and applications (II)
Geometry of shrinking Ricci solitons (I) >Geometry of shrinking Ricci solitons (I)
Special Values of Zeta-functions and Euler Characteristics>Special Values of Zeta-functions and Euler Characteristics
Intersection theory III: Construction of Intersection Products>Intersection theory III: Construction of Intersection Products
Coherent Manipulation of Single Photons>Coherent Manipulation of Single Photons
16 May


This event comes from TIMS