Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences (TIMS) launched its program in August, 2006. It is located at the Astronomy Mathematics Building beside the Drunken Moon Lake. The program was initiated by the Academician Sinica Chang-Shou Lin, who was also the first director of TIMS. The director now is Professor Jeng-Daw Yu of National Taiwan University.
Mission and Goal:
- To be a Mathematical center for interdisciplinary and inter-college study of mathematical sciences.
- To be an international mathematical center of knowledge innovation and outstanding research.
- To be a fostering center for mathematical talents.
- To be a communication platform among domestic or oversea academic institutions.
We hope that this institute can not only promote the cooperation for inter-college study of mathematical sciences, foster mathematician but also provide a platform for researchers abroad come back to Taiwan and increase international reputation of mathematics of Taiwan.
Recent projects:
Main Project: Deformation, invariants, and arithmetic (Principal Investigator: Prof. Jeng-Daw Yu)
Sub-Project 1: Deformation and moduli of irregular Hodge structures (Principal Investigator: Prof. Jeng-Daw Yu)
Sub-Project 2: Quantum geometry under surgeries (Principal Investigator: Prof. Chin-Lung Wang)
Sub-Project 3: Cohomological Donaldson-Thomas theory, punctured Gromov-Witten theory, and related topics (Principal Investigator: Prof. Wu-yen Chuang)
Sub-Project 4: Isometries of lattices and integral Brauer-Manin obstruction with applications on algebraic K3 surfaces (Principal Investigator: Prof. Ting-Yu Lee)