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27th Dec 2014(Sat)
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Computing structural and dynamic properties of biological systems at multiscale: protein function, membrane protein assembly, chromosome folding, stochastic networks of epigenetic states, cell and tissue patterning, and simulating wound healing(3)>Computing structural and dynamic properties of biological systems at multiscale: protein function, membrane protein assembly, chromosome folding, stochastic networks of epigenetic states, cell and tissue patterning, and simulating wound healing(3)

Thinking about selection and drift in terms of trajectories(3)>Thinking about selection and drift in terms of trajectories(3)

Transport of Charged Particles in Biological Environment: An Energetic Variational Approach(3)>Transport of Charged Particles in Biological Environment: An Energetic Variational Approach(3)

Computing structural and dynamic properties of biological systems at multiscale: protein function, membrane protein assembly, chromosome folding, stochastic networks of epigenetic states, cell and tissue patterning, and simulating wound healing(4)>Computing structural and dynamic properties of biological systems at multiscale: protein function, membrane protein assembly, chromosome folding, stochastic networks of epigenetic states, cell and tissue patterning, and simulating wound healing(4)

Thinking about selection and drift in terms of trajectories(4)>Thinking about selection and drift in terms of trajectories(4)

Transport of Charged Particles in Biological Environment: An Energetic Variational Approach(4)>Transport of Charged Particles in Biological Environment: An Energetic Variational Approach(4)

Robust Discretizations and Fast Solvers for Coupled PDE Systems(1)>Robust Discretizations and Fast Solvers for Coupled PDE Systems(1)

Robust Discretizations and Fast Solvers for Coupled PDE Systems(2)>Robust Discretizations and Fast Solvers for Coupled PDE Systems(2)



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