Week1 Dec 2011
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27 Nov

28 Nov

Open problems and discussions (20)>Open problems and discussions (20)
Bi-weekly lunch coffee meeting on string/algebraic geometry>Bi-weekly lunch coffee meeting on string/algebraic geometry
29 Nov

Toric geometry 4>Toric geometry 4
30 Nov

General k x k isomonodromy systems and multi-cut two-matrix models (6)>General k x k isomonodromy systems and multi-cut two-matrix models (6)
Potential vorticity budget of typhoon Nari (2001) at Landfall>Potential vorticity budget of typhoon Nari (2001) at Landfall
1 Dec

2 Dec

Minimality and nondegeneracy of degree-one Ginzburg-Landau vortex as a Hardy's type inequality>Minimality and nondegeneracy of degree-one Ginzburg-Landau vortex as a Hardy's type inequality
Critical points of the harmonic Robin function>Critical points of the harmonic Robin function
Introduction to Galois Cohomology: Vanishing and Duality >Introduction to Galois Cohomology: Vanishing and Duality
Project session>Project session
A parallel fluid modeling code for general gas discharge: Current status and future development>A parallel fluid modeling code for general gas discharge: Current status and future development
3 Dec


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