Week4 Nov 2011
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20 Nov

21 Nov

Bi-weekly lunch coffee meeting on string/algebraic geometry>Bi-weekly lunch coffee meeting on string/algebraic geometry
22 Nov

Toric geometry 3>Toric geometry 3
Yau's gradient estimate on Alexandrov space (5)>Yau's gradient estimate on Alexandrov space (5)
23 Nov

Handling nonlinearity in the Ensemble Kalman Filter framework>Handling nonlinearity in the Ensemble Kalman Filter framework
24 Nov

The CR Obabta Theorem>The CR Obabta Theorem
25 Nov

Project session>Project session
Introduction to Galois Cohomology: Cup Product and Duality >Introduction to Galois Cohomology: Cup Product and Duality
singular limits in Liouville-type equations>singular limits in Liouville-type equations
Open problems and discussions (19)>Open problems and discussions (19)
The Cauchy problem for a complex-valued  heat  equation with a quadratic nonlinearity>The Cauchy problem for a complex-valued heat equation with a quadratic nonlinearity
Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers>Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers
Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers>Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers
Optimal routing policies for data networks: A Bayesian perspective>Optimal routing policies for data networks: A Bayesian perspective
Structured hybrid models and Hilbert’s thirteenth problem>Structured hybrid models and Hilbert’s thirteenth problem
26 Nov


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