Week4 Mar 2010
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21 Mar

Virasoro action for integrable hierarchy>Virasoro action for integrable hierarchy
Local orbit types of orbits of the isotropy representations of semisimple pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces>Local orbit types of orbits of the isotropy representations of semisimple pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces
Tight Lagrangian submanifolds in some homogeneous K\"ahler manifolds>Tight Lagrangian submanifolds in some homogeneous K\"ahler manifolds
Conserved quantities in surface theory>Conserved quantities in surface theory
Collapses of the mean curvature flows for equifocal submanifolds and proper complex equifocal submanifolds>Collapses of the mean curvature flows for equifocal submanifolds and proper complex equifocal submanifolds
The 2nd TIMS-OCAMI Joint International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis>The 2nd TIMS-OCAMI Joint International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis
22 Mar

Singular Liouville equations on tori via geometry>Singular Liouville equations on tori via geometry
Nonexistence of multi-bubble solutions to some elliptic equations on convex domains>Nonexistence of multi-bubble solutions to some elliptic equations on convex domains
Scalar curvature flow on n-sphere--- perturbation result revisited>Scalar curvature flow on n-sphere--- perturbation result revisited
Stability and bifurcation for solutions of isoperimetric type problems>Stability and bifurcation for solutions of isoperimetric type problems
Dual variational approach to a quasilinear Schrodinger equation arising in plasma physics>Dual variational approach to a quasilinear Schrodinger equation arising in plasma physics
The geometry of $J$-holomorphic mappings between strongly pseudo-convex manifolds>The geometry of $J$-holomorphic mappings between strongly pseudo-convex manifolds
23 Mar

Nesterov method>Nesterov method
Additive Combinatorics Additive Geometry>Additive Combinatorics Additive Geometry
Antiperfect morse stratifications>Antiperfect morse stratifications
Generalized asymptotic expansion of Tian-Yau-Zelditch>Generalized asymptotic expansion of Tian-Yau-Zelditch
Noneffective symplectic toric orbifolds and labelled polytopes>Noneffective symplectic toric orbifolds and labelled polytopes
24 Mar

25 Mar

Large time behavior of hot spots to a linear heat equation with a potential>Large time behavior of hot spots to a linear heat equation with a potential
Spatial disorder of soliton solutions for discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations in a $2D$ lattice>Spatial disorder of soliton solutions for discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations in a $2D$ lattice
Solving polynomial systems by homotopy continuation method>Solving polynomial systems by homotopy continuation method
On heat kernels>On heat kernels
26 Mar

Linear System Problems>Linear System Problems
On the symmetric vortex solution to the Ginzburg-Landau system >On the symmetric vortex solution to the Ginzburg-Landau system
On bifurcation structure of radially symmetric stationary solutions for a reaction-diffusion system>On bifurcation structure of radially symmetric stationary solutions for a reaction-diffusion system
Oscillating patterns observed in the reaction-diffusion system on a sphere>Oscillating patterns observed in the reaction-diffusion system on a sphere
Equivalent Poisson and iid sampling models: A Bayesian view.>Equivalent Poisson and iid sampling models: A Bayesian view.
A Bayesian Edgeworth expansion by Stein's Identity>A Bayesian Edgeworth expansion by Stein's Identity
Stochastic matching pursuit for Bayesian variable selection>Stochastic matching pursuit for Bayesian variable selection
Testing conditional independence using maximal nonlinear conditional correlation>Testing conditional independence using maximal nonlinear conditional correlation
Review of some aspects of the development of restricted isometry property in compressed sensing>Review of some aspects of the development of restricted isometry property in compressed sensing
Workshop on Bayesian Analysis and Related Topics >Workshop on Bayesian Analysis and Related Topics
27 Mar
