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From Mass Formula to the Siegel-Weil formula>From Mass Formula to the Siegel-Weil formula
Project session>Project session
2011 Taiwan International Conference on Geometry>2011 Taiwan International Conference on Geometry
Gluing constructions of special Lagrangian and associative submanifolds>Gluing constructions of special Lagrangian and associative submanifolds
Desingularizing configurations of SL planes, and generalizations>Desingularizing configurations of SL planes, and generalizations
Counting associatives in connected-sum G_2-manifolds>Counting associatives in connected-sum G_2-manifolds
Geometric structures on moduli spaces and derived differential geometry>Geometric structures on moduli spaces and derived differential geometry
Counting embedded curves in Calabi-Yau threefolds and Gopakumar-Vafa invariants>Counting embedded curves in Calabi-Yau threefolds and Gopakumar-Vafa invariants
Progress on the nearby Lagrangian conjecture>Progress on the nearby Lagrangian conjecture
Lagrangian surfaces in pseudo-Kähler tangent bundles>Lagrangian surfaces in pseudo-Kähler tangent bundles
Variational approaches to the construction of special Lagrangians>Variational approaches to the construction of special Lagrangians
Recent results on the Lagrangian mean curvature flow>Recent results on the Lagrangian mean curvature flow
Evolution of networks in the plane by curvature>Evolution of networks in the plane by curvature
Mean curvature flows and isotopy problems>Mean curvature flows and isotopy problems
TIMS Special Day on Positive Characteristic>TIMS Special Day on Positive Characteristic
Multiple zeta values for function fields>Multiple zeta values for function fields
The arithmetic of elliptic surfaces in positive characteristic>The arithmetic of elliptic surfaces in positive characteristic
On class numbers of hereditary orders over function fields>On class numbers of hereditary orders over function fields
Carlitz polylogarithms and arithmetic Drinfeld modular forms>Carlitz polylogarithms and arithmetic Drinfeld modular forms
Lagrangian self-expanders asymptotic to a pair of planes>Lagrangian self-expanders asymptotic to a pair of planes
Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the complex hyperbolic plane and surface group representations>Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the complex hyperbolic plane and surface group representations
Soliton solutions for Lagrangian mean curvature flow>Soliton solutions for Lagrangian mean curvature flow
A Conference in Honor of the 70th Birthday of S. R. S. Varadhan>A Conference in Honor of the 70th Birthday of S. R. S. Varadhan
Quantum tunneling on graphs>Quantum tunneling on graphs
Exact solutions in random growth and directed polymers>Exact solutions in random growth and directed polymers
Quenched free energy and large deviations for polymers in random potential>Quenched free energy and large deviations for polymers in random potential
An extremal eigenvalue problem and minimal surfaces in the ball>An extremal eigenvalue problem and minimal surfaces in the ball
Replicas for the one-dimensional KPZ equation>Replicas for the one-dimensional KPZ equation
Maximal displacement of the two dimensional Gaussian free field and branching Brownian motion>Maximal displacement of the two dimensional Gaussian free field and branching Brownian motion
The principal eigenvalue of elliptic operators in unbounded domains>The principal eigenvalue of elliptic operators in unbounded domains
Small solutions of nonlinear Schroedinger equations near first excited states>Small solutions of nonlinear Schroedinger equations near first excited states
Three easy (to state) problems for Raghu>Three easy (to state) problems for Raghu
Scaling limits of excited random walks on integers>Scaling limits of excited random walks on integers
Random interlacements and Decoupling Inequalities>Random interlacements and Decoupling Inequalities
Scaling limits for dynamic models of 2D Young diagrams>Scaling limits for dynamic models of 2D Young diagrams
The role of symmetry in phase transitions>The role of symmetry in phase transitions
Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, concentration and all that jazz>Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, concentration and all that jazz
Asymptotics for Toeplitz matrices with Fisher-Hartwig singularities>Asymptotics for Toeplitz matrices with Fisher-Hartwig singularities
Resonant delocalization for Schrodinger operators with random potential on tree graphs>Resonant delocalization for Schrodinger operators with random potential on tree graphs
Lagrangian phase transitions in nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems>Lagrangian phase transitions in nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems
The universal relation between scaling exponents in first-passage percolation>The universal relation between scaling exponents in first-passage percolation
On an interative construction of solutions of the TAP-equations for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model>On an interative construction of solutions of the TAP-equations for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Resonances in PDEs>Resonances in PDEs
Asymptotics for exit problem and principal eigenvalue for a class of non-local elliptic operators: Related to diffusion processes with random jumps>Asymptotics for exit problem and principal eigenvalue for a class of non-local elliptic operators: Related to diffusion processes with random jumps
Rough path analysis and applications>Rough path analysis and applications
Critical scaling limits and measure ensembles>Critical scaling limits and measure ensembles
Asymptotic behavior for self-avoiding walk with long-range interactions in high dimensions>Asymptotic behavior for self-avoiding walk with long-range interactions in high dimensions
The Einstein relation for random walks on Galton-Watson trees>The Einstein relation for random walks on Galton-Watson trees
Large deviations in preferential attachment schemes>Large deviations in preferential attachment schemes
Macroscopic energy diffusion in a chain of an-harmonic oscillators>Macroscopic energy diffusion in a chain of an-harmonic oscillators
Large deviations for RWRE: quenched vs. averaged>Large deviations for RWRE: quenched vs. averaged
Equilibrium fluctuations for coagulating-fragmenting Brownian particles>Equilibrium fluctuations for coagulating-fragmenting Brownian particles
Complexity of random smooth functions of many variables>Complexity of random smooth functions of many variables
Entropy and H theorem>Entropy and H theorem
What is the fundamental lemma?>What is the fundamental lemma?
On Fourier transforms and weighted orbital integrals>On Fourier transforms and weighted orbital integrals
Miyaoka-Yau-Bogomolov inequalities via the stable bundle theory (I)>Miyaoka-Yau-Bogomolov inequalities via the stable bundle theory (I)
On the Kodaira dimension of minimal threefolds (after Miyaoka) (I)>On the Kodaira dimension of minimal threefolds (after Miyaoka) (I)
Harmonic maps of the two-sphere into a complex Grassmann manifold (I)>Harmonic maps of the two-sphere into a complex Grassmann manifold (I)
Generalized complex geometry (I)>Generalized complex geometry (I)
Sources of log canonical centers (after J. Kollar) (I)>Sources of log canonical centers (after J. Kollar) (I)
Quantum Riemann-Roch, Lefschetz and Serre (after Coates and Givental) (I)>Quantum Riemann-Roch, Lefschetz and Serre (after Coates and Givental) (I)
TIMS 2011 Summer School on Number Theory>TIMS 2011 Summer School on Number Theory
On the Kodaira dimension of minimal threefolds (after Miyaoka) (II)>On the Kodaira dimension of minimal threefolds (after Miyaoka) (II)
Miyaoka-Yau-Bogomolov inequalities via the stable bundle theory (II)>Miyaoka-Yau-Bogomolov inequalities via the stable bundle theory (II)
Quantum Riemann-Roch, Lefschetz and Serre (after Coates and Givental) (II)>Quantum Riemann-Roch, Lefschetz and Serre (after Coates and Givental) (II)
L-series in positive characteristic 1>L-series in positive characteristic 1
On automorphic forms 1>On automorphic forms 1
On functional equation 1>On functional equation 1
CM abelian varieties 1>CM abelian varieties 1
L-series in positive characteristic 2>L-series in positive characteristic 2
On automorphic forms 2>On automorphic forms 2
CM abelian varieties 2>CM abelian varieties 2
CM abelian varieties 3>CM abelian varieties 3
L-series in positive characteristic 3>L-series in positive characteristic 3
On automorphic forms 3>On automorphic forms 3
On functional equation 3>On functional equation 3
On functional equation 2>On functional equation 2
Euler systems and cyclotomic fields 1>Euler systems and cyclotomic fields 1
Open problems and discussions (1)>Open problems and discussions (1)
Euler systems and cyclotomic fields 2>Euler systems and cyclotomic fields 2
Harmonic maps of the two-sphere into a complex Grassmann manifold (II)>Harmonic maps of the two-sphere into a complex Grassmann manifold (II)
Sources of log canonical centers (after J. Kollar) (II)>Sources of log canonical centers (after J. Kollar) (II)
Generalized complex geometry (II)>Generalized complex geometry (II)
Boundedness of canonical Q-Fano 3-folds>Boundedness of canonical Q-Fano 3-folds

Jun 2011
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Aug 2011
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