
One-day Workshop on Algebra

June 10, 2011 
519, Astronomy and Mathematics Building
Invited Speakers

Huah Chu ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University )

Minking Eie ( National Chung Cheng University )
Ming-Lun Hsieh ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University )
Yifan Yang ( Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University )
Organizer Ming-Chang Kang ( National Taiwan University )
SponsorsTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( TIMS )
National Center for Theoretical Sciences ( NCTS ), Taipei Office
More InformationFor any further information, please consult the above menu links or contact Ms. Wei-Jhen Tsai (
10:30 ~ 11:20 
14:00 ~ 14:50 
15:30 ~ 16:20 
16:30 ~ 17:20
One-day Workshop on Algebra