
Analytical solution of electro-osmotic flow in a periodic structure of the filter


Ying-Hong Liu

12:00:00 - 14:00:00

Analytical solution of electro-osmotic flow in a periodic structure of the filter

308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Division of Mechanics, Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica Electro-osmotic flow (EOF) utilized in the micro-fluidic devices has been developing recently and applied widely in chemistry, medicine and microbiological sensors without the mechanical driven force. Hence, the characteristic of the velocity profile of EOF is very different from that of the pressure-driven flow in the micro-channel and it is intriguing for us to realize the mechanics in EOF. Before, we had a success to do the analytic work of the EOF through a micro-channel with a semicircular cross section under the Debye-Huckel approximation. In this study, we extend the same idea to consider the possibility of driving flow by the periodic structure of the filter located in the applied electric filed. The analytic solution has a good comparison with the exact solution of the EOF in the infinite micro-channel and then we discuss different behaviors of the flow caused by geometries and non-dimensional electro-kinetic width k.