
After Zhiqin Lu's “Normal Scalar Curvature Conjecture and its Applications“


Po-Yao Chang

09:30:00 - 12:00:00

After Zhiqin Lu's “Normal Scalar Curvature Conjecture and its Applications“

110 , Old Mathematics Building

Starting from Feb. 10, we will meet every Tuesday from 9:30 to 12:00, to report papers and related material in both Differential Geometry and general relativity. The topics will rotate, and respectively given by Mr. Po-Yao Chang (TIMS), Mr. Kuo-Wei Lee (NTU), Mr. Yang-Kai Lue (NTU), and Mr. Chih-Wei Chen (NTU). One of the themes will follow the lecture notes of R. Schoen on a General Relativity class in Stanford.