
A resent result of Phong on Kähler-Ricci flow


Jun-Nan Tsai

14:00:00 - 15:00:00

A resent result of Phong on Kähler-Ricci flow

405 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

It has been an important topic to find a Kähler-Einstein metric (Rc=cg) on a given Kähler manifold X. Several researchers have contributed to this problem. For example, Yau used continuity method to study the case when c=-1, 0 and gave a complete proof, and later his student H.D. Cao used Kähler-Ricci flow to reprove this result. In this talk, I will present Phong’s recent work in the case when c=1 and explain how it is related to Perelman’s new estimate.