
Geometric Analysis (2006 - 2009)


Time: January 4, 2007 - June 12, 2009
R308, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)
Organizers: Yng-Ing Lee ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University ), Chang-Shou Lin ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University )

Available Talk List

2007-01-04 (Thu.)Recent deveopements in Seiberg-Witten-Taubes theory(II)
2007-01-18 (Thu.)Ricci flow (Chapter 5 of Zhu and Cao's paper)
2007-01-18 (Thu.)On critical metrics of Q-curvature (I)
2007-01-19 (Fri.)On critical metrics of Q-curvature (II)
2007-01-22 (Mon.)Ricci flow (Chapter 5 of Cao and Zhu's paper)
2007-01-29 (Mon.)Ricci flow (Chapter 5 of Cao and Zhu's paper)
2007-02-05 (Mon.)Cauchy-Riemann Equation-Beauty and Beast
2007-02-08 (Thu.)Ricci flow (Chapter 5 of Cao and Zhu's paper)
2007-02-08 (Thu.)Ricci flow (Chapter 6 of Cao and Zhu's paper)
2007-02-26 (Mon.)Ricci flow (Chapter 5 of Cao and Zhu's paper)
2007-03-05 (Mon.)Ricci flow (Chapter 5 of Cao and Zhu's paper)
2007-03-12 (Mon.)Ricci flow (Chapter 6 of Cao and Zhu’s paper)
2007-03-22 (Thu.)

Complex manifolds with torsion

2007-03-26 (Mon.)

Ricci flow(Chapter 5 of Cao and Zhu’s paper)

2007-04-09 (Mon.)

Ricci flow (Chapter 7 of Cao and Zhu’s paper)

2007-04-29 (Sun.)

On the proof of Poincare Conjecture

2007-04-30 (Mon.)

On the proof of Poincare Conjecture

2007-05-03 (Thu.)

On the proof of Poincare Conjecture

2007-05-07 (Mon.)

Ricci flow (Chapter 7 of Cao and Zhu’s paper)

2007-05-14 (Mon.)

Ricci flow (Chapter 7 of Cao and Zhu’s paper)

2007-05-21 (Mon.)

Ricci flow (Chapter 7 of Cao and Zhu’s paper)

2007-05-28 (Mon.)

Ricci flow (Chapter 7 of Cao and Zhu’s paper)

2007-06-04 (Mon.)

The study of Alexandrov spaces, old and new

2007-06-11 (Mon.)

Alexandrov spaces of non-negative curvature

2007-06-15 (Fri.)

Manifolds with positive curvature operators

2007-06-25 (Mon.)

Morse theory of distance functions on Alexandrov spaces

2007-06-25 (Mon.)

Strominger-yau-Zaslow Conjecture and Affine Differential Geometry

2007-06-26 (Tue.)

p-Harmonic maps for variational problems and quasi-regular mappings

2007-06-26 (Tue.)

Geometry of Special Holonomy

2007-07-04 (Wed.)

The stability and collapsing of 3-manifolds with curvature bounded from below
2007-07-09 (Mon.)
Singularities of special Lagrangian submanifolds
2007-07-10 (Tue.)
Important problems in special Lagrangian geometry
2007-07-17 (Tue.)
Manifolds with Positive Isotropic Curvature (after Hamilton, Brendle and Schoen)
2007-07-24 (Tue.)
A Generalization of Hamilton’s Harnack Inequality for The Ricci Flow (after Simon Brendle)
2007-08-07 (Tue.)
Positive Complex Sectional Curvature, Ricci flow and the Differential Sphere Theorem(after Lei Ni and Jon Wolfson)
2007-08-14 (Tue.)
Donaldson Thomas invariant of P^1 scroll I & II
2007-08-21 (Tue.)
Donaldson Thomas invariant of P^1 scroll Ⅲ & Ⅳ
2007-10-09 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2007-10-11 (Thu.)
A reconstruction formula for an inverse problem for a one-dimensional multilayer medium
2007-10-16 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2007-10-18 (Thu.)
Chern-Simons Systems Abelian Case
2007-10-23 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2007-10-30 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2007-11-06 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2007-11-13 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2007-11-27 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2007-12-04 (Tue.)
Ricci flow and Poincaré Conjecture
2008-02-26 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-03-04 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-03-11 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-03-18 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-04-08 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-04-15 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-04-22 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-04-29 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-05-06 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-05-13 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-05-20 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-05-27 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-06-03 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2008-06-10 (Tue.)
Ricci flow
2009-06-10 (Wed.)
Information Visualization for High Dimensional Data:Matrix Visualization
2009-06-12 (Fri.)
Some Mathematics about Turbomachinery