
The 7th East Asia Number Theory Conference


February 5 - 9, 2018  
Room 101, New Mathematics Building, National Taiwan University

Invited speakersSungmun Cho ( Kyoto University, Japan )
Ke Gong ( Henan University, China )
Jia-Wei Guo ( National Taiwan University )
Xuejun Guo ( Nanjing University, China )
Yuichiro Hoshi ( Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan )
Pin-Chi Hung ( Soochow University )
Byoung Du Kim ( Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand )
Chan-Ho Kim ( Korea Institute for Advanced Study, South Korea )
Yeansu Kim ( Chonnam National University, South Korea )
Teruhisa Koshikawa ( Kyoto University, Japan )
Yen-Liang Kuan ( National Taiwan University )
Nobushige Kurokawa ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan )
Chong Gyu Lee ( Soongsil University, South Korea )
Qing Liu ( Université de Bordeaux, France & Xiamen University, China )
Shu-Yen Pan ( National Tsing Hua University )
Chol Park ( Korea Institute for Advanced Study, South Korea )
Mao Sheng ( University of Science and Technology of China, China )
Takashi Suzuki ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan )
Shun Tang ( Capital Normal University, China )
Yasuhiro Terakado ( Academia Sinica )
Chian-Jen Wang ( Tamkang University )
Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang ( Academia Sinica )
Yu Yasufuku ( College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Japan )
OrganizersSunghan Bae ( Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea )
Liang-Chung Hsia ( National Taiwan Normal University )
Yuichiro Taguchi ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan )
Fei Xu ( Capital Normal University, China )
Jing Yu ( Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University & Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences )
SponsorsTaida Institute for Mathematical Sciences (TIMS)
National Taiwan University
Ministry of Science and Technology
Feb. 5 (Mon.)
9:30 ~ 10:00Registration
10:00 ~ 10:10Opening
10:10 ~ 11:00Shu-Yen Pan Local theta correspondence of some supercuspidal representations
11:10 ~ 12:00Nobushige Kurokawa Absolute zeta functions,absolute automorhic formsand generalized Euler constants
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 14:50Yeansu Kim The classification of discrete series of odd general spin groups
15:00 ~ 15:50Xuejun Guo Matching identities for theta series of different Eichler orders via embedding orbits
16:00 ~ 16:50Yasuhiro Terakado The determinant and the discriminant of a complete intersection of even dimension
17:10 ~ 18:30Welcome Reception
Feb. 6 (Tue.)
9:10 ~ 10:00Qing Liu New points on algebraic curves (Joint work with Dino Lorenzini)
10:10 ~ 11:00Sungmun Cho Reformulation of the Siegel series and mod p intersection numbers
11:10 ~ 12:00Takashi Suzuki Grothendieck's duality conjecture on connected components of special fibers of abelian varieties
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 14:50Teruhisa Koshikawa The A_inf-cohomology in the semistable case
15:00 ~ 15:50Chol Park MOD p local-global compatibility for GLn (Qp ) in the ordinary case
15:50 ~ 16:20Coffee Break
16:20 ~ 17:10Mao Sheng Canonical lifting of the rational nodal curve in positive characteristic
18:00 ~Banquet
Feb. 7 (Wed.)
9:10 ~ 10:00Yuichiro Hoshi A pro-p group-theoretic criterion for good reduction of ordinary proper hyperbolic curves
10:10 ~ 11:00Pin-Chi Hung Presentation of Iwasawa algebras of uniform pro-$p$ groups
11:10 ~ 12:00Chan-Ho Kim On the Fitting ideals of Selmer groups of elliptic curves with supersingular reduction
Feb. 8 (Thu.)
09:10 ~ 10:00Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang Asymptotic GCD
10:10 ~ 11:00Yu Yasufuku Vojta's main conjecture on some rational varieties
11:10 ~ 12:00Shun Tang Some aspects on Riemann-Roch problems in Arakelov geometry
12:00 ~ 14:00Lunch
14:00 ~ 14:50Ke Gong A brief journey into character sums
15:00 ~ 15:50Chong Gyu Lee Multiplicative functions, additive on polygonal numbers
15:50 ~ 16:20Coffee Break
16:20 ~ 17:10Yen-Liang Kuan On depth 2 zeta-like families
Feb. 9 (Fri.)
9:10 ~ 10:00Byoung Du Kim The ranks of rational points over Iwasawa extensions of abelian varieties with non-ordinary reduction
10:10 ~ 11:00Jia-Wei Guo The mass formula for unimodular Hermitian lattices
11:10 ~ 12:00Chian-Jen Wang Zeta functions and the Ramanujan property of finite complexes
The 7th East Asia Number Theory Conference