
Towards a higher Bruhat-Tits theory


Izquierdo Diego (Ecole polytechnique, Paris)
2024-07-01  10:00-12:00
Room 202, Astronomy and Mathematics Building

Bruhat-Tits theory allows to associate to each reductive group over a complete discretely valued field a polysimplicial complex on which its rational points act in a suitable way. This provides an interesting and useful tool to study the group of rational points of such reductive groups. In 1994, Bennett abstractly introduced a notion of Lambda-building, where Lambda is a totally ordered abelian group. In this series of lectures, I will explain how one can build a higher Bruhat-Tits theory, at least for quasi-split reductive groups. More precisely, for each such group defined over an arbitrary henselian valued field, we will associate a Lambda-building on which its rational points act in a suitable way.