
Tautological systems under the conifold transition on $G(2,4)$


Tsung-Ju Lee ( Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences )
2017-05-27  09:30 - 10:20
Room 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Via a natural degeneration of Grassmannian manifolds $G(k,n)$ to Gorenstein toric Fano varieties $P(k,n)$ with conifold singularities, we suggest an approach to study the relation between the tautological system on $G(k,n)$ and the extended GKZ system on the small resolution $hat{P}(k,n)$ of $P(k,n)$. We carry out the simplest case $(k,n)=(2,4)$ to ensure its validity and show that the extended GKZ system can be regarded as a tautological system on $hat{P}(2,4)$. This is a joint work with Prof. Hui-Wen Lin.