
Tautological Systems and Poincare Residue Formula (II): Theory & Examples


Tsung-Ju Lee ( National Taiwan University )
2015-05-01  09:10 - 11:00
Room 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

In this talk, I will explain the tautological system introduced last time governs the period integrals. We will also give some explicit examples of tautological system in detail, especially for homogeneous spaces and toric varieties.

References: 1. B. Lian, R. Song, & S.-T. Yau, Period Integrals and Tautological Systems, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 15, 2013. 2. B. Lian & S.-T. Yau, Period Integrals of CY and General Type Complete Intersections, Invent. math, 2013.