
An introduction to discontinuous high-order methods


Z. J. Wang

14:10:00 - 15:20:00

308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

In this tutorial, we will start with why we need high-order accuracy in CFD simulations. Then the current status of high-order CFD methods will be discussed, followed by a presentation of several high-order methods: including the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method, spectral volume (SV), spectral difference (SD) methods, and the flux reconstruction (FR) or the correction procedure via reconstruction (CPR) formulation. All the methods possess the following properties: k-exactness on arbitrary grids, and compactness, which is especially important for parallel computing on clusters of CPUs and GPUs. In addition, the application of high-order methods to compute real world flow problems will be presented. The talk will conclude with several remaining challenges in the research on high-order methods.

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