
On genus two Siegel modular forms arising from quadratic formsof degree four


Ming-Lun Hsieh

13:10:00 - 14:40:00

308 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

In 1980, Yoshida constructed certain genus two Siegel modular forms from a pair of Hecke eigenforms on definite quaternion algebras, and he showed that these Siegel modular forms (called Yoshida lifts) are indeed Hecke eigenforms whose spinor L-functions are product of GL(2) L-functions. The non-vanishing of Yoshida lifts was conjectured by him and has been solved by Bocherer and Schulze-Pillot in 1991. In this talk, we will begin with some background on genus two theta series, and then prove a non-vanishing modulo a prime result of Yoshida lifts in the end. In particular, we obatin a new proof of Yoshida conjecture by number theoretic method. This is a joint work with Kenichi Namikawa.

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