
A Parallel Implementation of the Jacobi-Davison Eigensolver for Unsymmetric Matrices


Yu-Ting Chen

09:30:00 - 12:00:00

103 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

We will study the paper "A Parallel Implementation of the Jacobi-Davidson Eigensolver for Unsymmetric Matrices" by Eloy Romero, Manuel B. Cruz, Jose E. Roman, and Paulo B. Vasconcelos.The papper has been published in VECPAR'10 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on High Performance Computing for Computational Science. This paper describes a parallel implementation of the Jacobi-Davidson method to compute eigenpairs of large unsymmetric matrices based on PESTc and SLEPc. The paper analyzes the structures and problems of Jacobi-Davidson method step by step and gives computatinal results for several experiments for various implementations.