
Existence results for an elliptic equation arising from the Chern-Simons theory


Kwangseok Choe

11:40:00 - 12:20:00

R101 , Astronomy and Mathematics Building

We present existence results for multivortex solutions of an elliptic equation with exponential nonlinearity on $\mathbb{R}^2$. In many cases, elliptic equations arising from the Chern-Simons theory include singular sources. Due to physical motivation such as the finite energy condition, we usually assume the nonlinear term belongs to $L^1(\mathbb{R}^2)$. In this talk, we focus on the elliptic governing equation of the Chern-Simons gauged O(3) sigma model which is believed relevant to physical phenomena like the planar ferromagnet, and present existence results for solutions which tend to $\infty$ logarithmically fast near $\infty$.

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