
D-branes from Polchinski to Gronthendieck, D-branes probes, and birational geometry


Chien-Hao Liu

14:00:00 - 16:00:00

103 , Old Mathematics Building

I will explain D-branes from Grothendieck's viewpoint. I won't assume any string-theory background. Any stringy culture that plays crucial roles on understanding why ``things are designed this or that way" mathematically will be made terse and self-contained as much as I can and time allows me. There are numerous themes arising from Grothendieck's aspects of D-branes alone, not mentioning many other existing aspects. They all lead to extremely challenging and technically demanding problems at the moment. Remark: There will also be a lecture by Professor Liu at the Physics department String Theory Group in the morning of 5/14 starting at am 10:20, Room 815.