
Analytic Approach to Algebraic Geometry II: Freidrichs Lemma and Hormander's Skew Mollifier


Chen-Yu Chi

14:30:00 - 17:00:00

Analytic Approach to Algebraic Geometry II: Freidrichs Lemma and Hormander's Skew Mollifier

505 , Freshman Classroom Building

Professor Chen-Yu Chi is now a Harvard Junior Fellow whose research interest is in complex algebraic geometry. He visits NCTS(TPE) from December 10, 2009 to January 31, 2010 (office New Math 405). During this period Professor Chi will co-organize and deliver a series of seminar lectures toward the frontier research works in algebraic geometry done by analytic methods (by Siu, Tsuji, Paun and others) in recent years. The first several lectures are aiming at fundamentals of the analytic ingredients which should be accessible to most graduate students. In later lectures in January 2010, topics on extension of pluri-canonical forms and finite generation problem will be discussed. Meanwhile a parallel seminar series in the algebraic side (mainly the works by Hacon-McKernann and BCHM) will be continued. Participants are encouraged to contribute one or more talks in these topics during the seminars.