Week1 May 2014
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27 Apr

28 Apr

Introduction to p-adic Simpson correspondence (I)>Introduction to p-adic Simpson correspondence (I)
Some open questions about Reeb flows in dimension 3>Some open questions about Reeb flows in dimension 3
29 Apr

Contiguity relation and Toda equation, integral representations of hypergeometric functions>Contiguity relation and Toda equation, integral representations of hypergeometric functions
30 Apr

Survey of KdV theory>Survey of KdV theory
Application of Passive Cable Theory in Neuroscience>Application of Passive Cable Theory in Neuroscience
The dynamics of estuarine fronts and river outflows>The dynamics of estuarine fronts and river outflows
Introduction to p-adic Simpson correspondence (II)>Introduction to p-adic Simpson correspondence (II)
1 May

Introduction to relative p-adic Hodge theory>Introduction to relative p-adic Hodge theory
2 May

Introduction to p-adic Simpson correspondence (III)>Introduction to p-adic Simpson correspondence (III)
The Twistor Space Construction>The Twistor Space Construction
3 May

Ground States and Dynamics of the Nonlinear Schrodinger/Gross-Pitaevskii Equations>Ground States and Dynamics of the Nonlinear Schrodinger/Gross-Pitaevskii Equations
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation for Degenerate Dipolar Quatum Gas>Modeling, Analysis and Simulation for Degenerate Dipolar Quatum Gas
Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods>Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods
Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory limiters for Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Methods>Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory limiters for Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Methods


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