Week4 Sep 2012
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16 Sep

17 Sep

Attribution of Climate Change in the Presence of Internally-Generated Variability>Attribution of Climate Change in the Presence of Internally-Generated Variability
Centennial Variability: Dynamics and Global Impacts>Centennial Variability: Dynamics and Global Impacts
North Atlantic Decadal-to-Multidecadal Variability - Mechanism and Predictability>North Atlantic Decadal-to-Multidecadal Variability - Mechanism and Predictability
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Climate>Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Climate
Global-Scale Decadal Hyper Modes>Global-Scale Decadal Hyper Modes
Estimating Multi-decadal Trends in ENSO: A Case Study Using Darwin SLP>Estimating Multi-decadal Trends in ENSO: A Case Study Using Darwin SLP
Central-Pacific El Nino: Dynamics, Climate Impacts, and Its Recent Emergence>Central-Pacific El Nino: Dynamics, Climate Impacts, and Its Recent Emergence
18 Sep

Mathematical Theory of Climate Sensitivity>Mathematical Theory of Climate Sensitivity
On Noise, Cycle and Trend in Climate Data>On Noise, Cycle and Trend in Climate Data
Rapid Increase of High Ocean Heat Content Regions in the Western North Pacific Ocean for Supertyphoons>Rapid Increase of High Ocean Heat Content Regions in the Western North Pacific Ocean for Supertyphoons
Fluctuation-dissipation Theorem with Application to Climate Change Studies>Fluctuation-dissipation Theorem with Application to Climate Change Studies
Evidence for a Multi-decadal Oscillation in Global Temperature and Its Impact on the Deduced Anthropogenic Warming Trend: A Review>Evidence for a Multi-decadal Oscillation in Global Temperature and Its Impact on the Deduced Anthropogenic Warming Trend: A Review
Dynamic Transitions in Climate Dynamics>Dynamic Transitions in Climate Dynamics
An Observational Analysis of Oceanic and Atmospheric Structure of Global-Scale Multidecadal Variability>An Observational Analysis of Oceanic and Atmospheric Structure of Global-Scale Multidecadal Variability
AMO-like Interdecadal Variability in the CMIP5 - Are Models Oversensitive to Prescribed Forcing?>AMO-like Interdecadal Variability in the CMIP5 - Are Models Oversensitive to Prescribed Forcing?
19 Sep

North Atlantic Hurricane Activity: Past, Present and Future>North Atlantic Hurricane Activity: Past, Present and Future
Variations of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity on Decadal Time Scales and Longer>Variations of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity on Decadal Time Scales and Longer
Multidecadal Trends of Tropical Cyclone and China Summer Monsoon Extreme Rainfall and Taiwan Typhoon Rain Intensity>Multidecadal Trends of Tropical Cyclone and China Summer Monsoon Extreme Rainfall and Taiwan Typhoon Rain Intensity
Interdecadal Variability of Intense Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Southern Hemisphere>Interdecadal Variability of Intense Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Southern Hemisphere
Multi-decadal Variability in Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall: Some New Perspectives>Multi-decadal Variability in Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall: Some New Perspectives
The South-Flood North-Drought Pattern Over Eastern China and the Drying of the Gangetic Plain>The South-Flood North-Drought Pattern Over Eastern China and the Drying of the Gangetic Plain
Interhemispheric Thermal Gradients and Multidecadal Variations in the Tropical Climate over the 20th Century>Interhemispheric Thermal Gradients and Multidecadal Variations in the Tropical Climate over the 20th Century
Annual Temperature Reconstruction in the Eastern Part of the Northeast China Since A.D. 1765 Based on Tree-ring Width Data>Annual Temperature Reconstruction in the Eastern Part of the Northeast China Since A.D. 1765 Based on Tree-ring Width Data
Pacific and Atlantic Decadal Variability Reflected by the Winter Temperature in Taiwan During the Period 1911-2010>Pacific and Atlantic Decadal Variability Reflected by the Winter Temperature in Taiwan During the Period 1911-2010
Stratocumulus to Cumulus transition and its representation in climate models>Stratocumulus to Cumulus transition and its representation in climate models
20 Sep

Stochasticity and Memort Effects in Multi-level Dynamical Systems: Connecting the Ruelle Response Theory and the Mori-Zwanzig Approach>Stochasticity and Memort Effects in Multi-level Dynamical Systems: Connecting the Ruelle Response Theory and the Mori-Zwanzig Approach
Multi-year Predictability of Temperature and Precipitation over Land>Multi-year Predictability of Temperature and Precipitation over Land
Variability of Sea Ice Over Decadal and Longer Timescales>Variability of Sea Ice Over Decadal and Longer Timescales
The Aerosol-Monsoon Climate System of Asia>The Aerosol-Monsoon Climate System of Asia
Multi-year Prediction and Predictability>Multi-year Prediction and Predictability
Decadal variability of summer rainfall over China: obsevation vs. a1000-year control simulation of HadCM3>Decadal variability of summer rainfall over China: obsevation vs. a1000-year control simulation of HadCM3
Applications of Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbations to the Studies of ENSO and THC>Applications of Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbations to the Studies of ENSO and THC
21 Sep

On modern statistical estimation via oracle inequalities>On modern statistical estimation via oracle inequalities
22 Sep


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