Week3 Dec 2011
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11 Dec

12 Dec

Bi-weekly lunch coffee meeting on string/algebraic geometry>Bi-weekly lunch coffee meeting on string/algebraic geometry
13 Dec

Open problems and discussions (22)>Open problems and discussions (22)
Toric geometry 6: Moment maps>Toric geometry 6: Moment maps
Local dynamics near unstable branches of NLS solitons>Local dynamics near unstable branches of NLS solitons
14 Dec

Heart modeling and its applications in investigating arrhythmogenesis>Heart modeling and its applications in investigating arrhythmogenesis
Complex Monge-Ampere equations (1) (after S.-T. Yau)>Complex Monge-Ampere equations (1) (after S.-T. Yau)
15 Dec

On the first eigenvalue estimate of the sublaplacian on a closed pseudohermitian (2n+1)-manifold>On the first eigenvalue estimate of the sublaplacian on a closed pseudohermitian (2n+1)-manifold
16 Dec

Canceled: Parallel MATLAB for multicore and multinode computers>Canceled: Parallel MATLAB for multicore and multinode computers
Canceled: Parallel MATLAB for multicore and multinode computers>Canceled: Parallel MATLAB for multicore and multinode computers
SYZ conjecture and the affine spheres>SYZ conjecture and the affine spheres
Open problems and discussions (23)>Open problems and discussions (23)
17 Dec


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