Week2 Jun 2010
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6 Jun

Quantum Cohomology and Integrable Systems V>Quantum Cohomology and Integrable Systems V
Quantum cohomology and integrable systems III>Quantum cohomology and integrable systems III
7 Jun

Quantum cohomology and integrable systems III>Quantum cohomology and integrable systems III
Contracting exceptional divisors by the Kahler-Ricci flow>Contracting exceptional divisors by the Kahler-Ricci flow
8 Jun

Canceled: Additive Combinatorics: The Littlewood-offord Problem>Canceled: Additive Combinatorics: The Littlewood-offord Problem
9 Jun

A wavelet characterization for the dual of weighted Hardy spaces>A wavelet characterization for the dual of weighted Hardy spaces
Monodromy Theory>Monodromy Theory
Monodromy Theory>Monodromy Theory
10 Jun

Analytic Structures of the Drinfeld Upper-Half Plane (1)>Analytic Structures of the Drinfeld Upper-Half Plane (1)
Local existence of metrics with prescribed Ricci curvature>Local existence of metrics with prescribed Ricci curvature
Additive Combinatorics: The Littlewood-offord Problem>Additive Combinatorics: The Littlewood-offord Problem
Martinet's construction: every orientable, closed 3-manifold admits a contact structrue>Martinet's construction: every orientable, closed 3-manifold admits a contact structrue
11 Jun

(a) Memory and thread optimization(II)(b) Control flow and floating point>(a) Memory and thread optimization(II)(b) Control flow and floating point
Kaplan-Meier Estimator (K-M)>Kaplan-Meier Estimator (K-M)
Monodromy Theory>Monodromy Theory
Monodromy Theory>Monodromy Theory
Study on adaptive model selection through generalized degrees of freedom in nested linear regression models>Study on adaptive model selection through generalized degrees of freedom in nested linear regression models
12 Jun


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