Week5 Mar 2010
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28 Mar

29 Mar

On the algebraic fundamental group in characteristic p>0>On the algebraic fundamental group in characteristic p>0
Universal formulas for counting nodal curves on surfaces>Universal formulas for counting nodal curves on surfaces
Gromov-Witten theory of étale gerbes>Gromov-Witten theory of étale gerbes
Notes on the compactification of the moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces>Notes on the compactification of the moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces
Differential forms on log canonical spaces>Differential forms on log canonical spaces
Workshop on Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry>Workshop on Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry
30 Mar

Additive Combinatorics: Fourier-analytic methods>Additive Combinatorics: Fourier-analytic methods
31 Mar

Analytic continuations of quantum cohomology under ordinary flops>Analytic continuations of quantum cohomology under ordinary flops
Moduli spaces of stable quotients and the wall-crossing phenomena>Moduli spaces of stable quotients and the wall-crossing phenomena
Lattice invariants>Lattice invariants
Hodge structures attached to exponential sums>Hodge structures attached to exponential sums
1 Apr

The cohomology of moduli spaces and siegel modular forms>The cohomology of moduli spaces and siegel modular forms
Factorizing birational maps in dimension three>Factorizing birational maps in dimension three
Introduction to the Euclid-Fourier-Mukai algorithm>Introduction to the Euclid-Fourier-Mukai algorithm
A metrical approach towards birational equivalence>A metrical approach towards birational equivalence
2 Apr

Kuga-Satake construction for K3 surfaces near the boundary of the moduli>Kuga-Satake construction for K3 surfaces near the boundary of the moduli
Automorphism groups of positive entropy on algebraic varieties>Automorphism groups of positive entropy on algebraic varieties
Automorphism groups of positive entropy on algebraic varieties>Automorphism groups of positive entropy on algebraic varieties
Log canonical thresholds on varieties with bounded singularities>Log canonical thresholds on varieties with bounded singularities
From Local Regression to Penalized Regression>From Local Regression to Penalized Regression
Linear System Problems>Linear System Problems
Review of some aspects of the development of restricted isometry property in compressed sensingⅡ>Review of some aspects of the development of restricted isometry property in compressed sensingⅡ
3 Apr


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