
TIMS Working Seminar on Kahler Geometry


Chin-Lung Wang

09:00:00 - 11:30:00

TIMS Working Seminar on Kahler Geometry

405 , Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.)

Scheduled speakers:

Dr. Jun-Nan Tsai, NTU
Dr. Chiung-Ju Liu, TIMS
Mr. Ken-Li Lin, NCU


This weekly seminar series is aiming at reporting on recent development in complex Kahler geometry. The specific topics will include complex Monge-Ampere equations, Kahler Ricci flow, multiplier ideal sheaves as well as recent progresses on Riemann surfaces. We intend to go through the technical details of the selected papers. Occasionally the participants will also report on their own recent progresses. Thus this activity is most suitable for senior PhD candidates, post-doctors as well as established geometers in related research fields.